Pipe Support Magnet Anchor
18 december 2020 
7 min. read

Pipe Support Magnet Anchor

Pipe support magnet anchor for permanent fasting methods: McNetiq developed an unconventional approach for permanent fasting methods “Pipe Support Magnet Anchor.” The new way of operating is based on using magnets for temporary or permanent fasting methods. Furthermore, McNetiq developed special testing and installing tools to help to attach supports with permanent magnets to the storage tank with zero risks.

In this article, the focus is on the following points:

  • Neodymium magnets characteristics and hazards
  • Traditional pipe support anchoring limitations
    • Welding
    • Chemicals
  • Solving the problem
  • Working safely using our Controlock® technology with RBM
    • Pipe support installation device
    • Pipe support testing device
  • General features and specifications of RBM
  • Safety precautions
  • Conclusion

Neodymium magnets characteristics and hazards

Rare earth neodymium magnet





Rare earth neodymium magnet. Retrieved from pinterest.com


Neodymium rare earth magnets are the strongest permanent magnets. However, they are very brittle and produce splinters when they hit against each other or with a hammer.

Because of the special characteristics of neodymium magnets, they pose a risk when handled. When magnets are allowed near each other, they can strike each other with an enormous force that can, for example, smash a hand if it gets caught in between. Or the strike can create sharp flying fragments, which is dangerous to the eyes.

Another risk of working with permanent magnets is that they are hazardous to mechanical and electronic devices that are in the magnetic field range—some examples are wristwatches, PC’s, laptops, mechanical watches, etc. Besides, the magnetic field can damage medical devices like pacemakers and hearing aid. Also, neodymium magnets are plated with nickel, which is harmful to human health. The exposure to nickel can cause some serious symptoms such as dermatitis known as “nickel itch” in sensitised individuals.

Traditional pipe support anchoring limitations

Until now in the industry, pipe supports are being anchored on a storage tank traditionally, and that is by welding or using chemicals like glue or epoxy to fasten supports. Even though this type of anchoring is efficient, there are some cases where that could be not very responsive and even risky.


The working process in the plant needs to be shut down during welding in order to install pipes or maintain them. The reason behind shutting down the work is because using welding would have a hazard of fire or explosion if that storage facility has flammable materials. Additionally, welding weakens the structure due to the local heat input. Very high heat density (104W / mm²), and very high temperature (approx. 14000ºC) of the welding arc.


Attaching pipes chemically, on the other hand, doesn’t need to stop the operations. However, it has many disadvantages, such as the coating needs to be removed off the metal surface. Removing the coating is dangerous for human health because it might contain a chromium component. Inhalation exposure to chromium might cause cancer and many other health problems.

Another aspect to consider when using chemicals is that the weather should be good. Rainy days, too hot or too cold weather is not suitable for applying chemicals to fasten the pipes. That leaves a tiny window of time during the entire year to operate.

Solving the problem

“If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.”

Albert Einstein


The urgency of finding a responsive solution that prevents operations from being halted and increase safety were the drivers of McNetiq to come up with an unconventional approach. The new way of operating is based on using magnets as a temporary or permanent fasting method. Furthermore, McNetiq developed special testing and installing tools to help to attach supports with permanent magnets to the storage tank with zero risks.

Working safely using our Controlock® technology with RBM

RBM Rubber Block Magnet















RBM Rubber Block Magnet


Two RBMs attached to pipe support












Two RBMs attached to pipe support, case 1.


Two RBMs attached to pipe support











Two RBMs attached to pipe support, case 2. 

The used magnet is called Rubber Block Magnet. The RBM is already in the market. However, McNetiq made it possible to safely handle the RBM by developing an installation tool and a testing tool based on our Controlock® technology. The mentioned tools reduce or even eliminate most of the risks that come with handling permanent magnets. This technology is also used for the scaffold anchor and Fall Protection System. The pipe support system is based on using customised supports that are mounted using two RBMs.

Pipe support installation device

Pipe support installation device






Pipe support installation device


Permanent magnets’ magnetic field is dangerous because it attracts nearby metal. McNetiq eliminated this issue by developing a unique installing device. The device is designed to carry the magnet safely from its box and place it where needed. Hence, as long as the magnet is in the setter, there is no risk of attracting metal objects. Also, the installer prevents magnets from snaping towards metal or other magnets, which increase safety and makes it even more straightforward to be installed correctly and in the right place.


Pipe support testing device

Pipe support installation device










Pipe support testing device


Conveniently, the modernised magnet is equipped with a testing device based on Controlock® technology.  The operator can use the testing device after installing the magnet using the setter. Testing the magnet capacity will establish the magnet sliding and shear-force. To know more about installing and testing the RBM, please contact us or fill in the form below to get the pipe support manual.


General features and specifications of RBM

Some of RBM general specifications are

The following specifications also apply to the Pipe support magnet anchor for temporary or permanent fasting methods.

  • The magnet is rubber shielded. The rubber shield function is to protect the magnet from environmental influences like water and dust. Also, it prevents the worker from contacting the nickel, with which the magnet is plated. Besides, the rubber prevents damaging the counter surface or the coating.
  • Light in weight: 1.8 kg.
  • Resilient to a wide range of temperature: -15°C +80°C.
  • Pulling force: up to 4000 kN in ideal circumstances.
  • Shear force: up to 3000 kN in ideal circumstances.
  • Dimensions: 203 x 61 x 28mm

Safety precautions 

To work safely with the RBM magnets, you need to do the following.

  • Only a trained and certified Controlock Operator is allowed to install and test the Pipe support magnet anchor.
  • Handle strong magnets with caution, and only use tools and devices that are designated to Controlock®. Also, do not drop the magnet because that will affect the magnet strengths.
  • Before the installation process, empty your pockets and make sure that your keys and any other metal objects are not in the magnet attraction range.
  • Keep a safe distance of 1 meter.

Keep your cell phone, laptop, and other devices in a safe place because the magnetic force can erase the data or damage the devices.

  • No personnel with medical devices allowed

Medical devices, such as pacemakers or hearing aids, will be influenced by the strong magnetic field. Therefore, keep a safe distance of at least 1 meter.

  • Check your surrounding environment.

Make sure that there are no metal objects near the neodymium magnet. Additionally, instruct your people about the potential hazards of working with magnets.

  • Store the magnets safely, preferably in the box in which they are delivered.

Keep the magnets in separate non-magnetic boxes such as wooden or plastic containers. And do not take them out until you need them. Take out one magnet at a time using the special installing device.


Working with super neodymium magnets requires a certain level of knowledge and training. These magnets can be seriously dangerous and need to be handled with caution. Therefore, getting the necessary training and following the safety precautions will keep the operator from harm. McNetiq advises using  Pipe Support Magnet Anchor as a temporary or permanent fasting method under the right circumstances. The pipe support system is clean, safe, and responsive.

To know more about our Pipe support magnet anchor for temporary or permanent fasting methods

Please call us on +31 (0)85 130 45 66

Email us info@mcnetiq.nl

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